307 North Monroe Street, Butler, PA 16001



Our 2024 Primary LifePAC Voter Guide is now posted.  We do not have a large number of contested races in this year’s primary, but it is important for our pro-life candidates to begin the task of correcting the lies that the pro-abortion candidates have been spreading.  Pregnancy Care Centers have been attacked physically and labeled as deceptive fake clinics.  Our candidates our accused of wanting to put women and doctors in jail and force women to die in pregnancy. 

Our candidates need to define themselves as the candidates that are with every woman and for every child.  A recent Lozier Institute study found that 60% of women who had an abortion would have chosen to keep their child if they had either more emotional support or more financial security.  Pregnancy Care Centers are making it possible for women to choose life.  Planned Parenthood does not offer a choice.  They do not offer any maternal care or any real health care that Pregnancy Care Centers don’t already offer without charge other than birth control and abortion. 

Our LIfePAC board has recently made the decision that we need to partner with groups that are investing in billboard and social media advertising to change more hearts and minds to recognize the value and sanctity of life.  Individually we can only accomplish so much, but putting our money together and partnering with other pro-life organizations we can build a culture of life in Pennsylvania so that more innocent unborn children will have the same right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that our forefathers proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence.

If you would like to help with either our educational efforts or our printing and distribution costs of our LifePAC Voter Guide you can send a check to LifePAC at 307 N. Monroe Street, Butler PA 16001.  Please also encourage your circle of influence to give us their e-mail address at www.lifepac.net so they will receive a free copy of our Voter Guide by e-mail in every future election.