307 North Monroe Street, Butler, PA 16001

News from the Chairman of the Board (Spring 2022)

News from the Chairman of the Board (Spring 2022)

PA March for Life

                               Voter Guide for Spring Primary 2022 is now posted                                                                                                         In January 1973 the Supreme Court found a right to abortion in the penumbras (shadows) between two amendments of the US Constitution.  LifePAC was founded in 1980 as a political action committee with a mission to seek, identify, and support candidates for public office who are dedicated to the sanctity of human life.  We now find ourselves closer to overturning this poorly decided case than we have ever been before.  Some of our current and recently retired board members have been in this fight for 40+ years.  Thank you Mary Lou Gartner, Helen Cindrich, Jim Grab, Marlene Wohleber, Rose Liptak and Bill Donahue.

            Anticipating a positive outcome in the Dobbs v. Women’s Health Supreme Court case this summer, we need to elect the best candidates possible to finish the fight that will likely return to the states this fall.  The right to life of an unborn child should not be a fight between Republicans and Democrats.  It should be a fight for human rights that members of both parties could unite behind.  Unfortunately, it has become a party fight and Republican candidates have come out in large numbers hoping to be part of the coming red wave.  We have never had such a large number of candidates to send questionnaires to and review their responses.  This year for the first time in our history, we have decided to differentiate between pro-life candidates by telling you which ones have exceptions for “rape and incest.”  There have been many previous effective leaders for the pro-life cause that have had exceptions, but with the large number of candidates to choose from, we thought that you want us to tell you which candidates have exceptions for rape and incest and which do not.  There are also a few candidates that did not respond to our e-mails and phone calls and did not fill out our questionnaire and for that reason we did not include them on our voter guide.  It is your responsibility to select the candidates who you think will be the best person to carry on our fight in the general election in the fall.

            If you would like to help with printing and distribution costs checks are welcome to LifePAC, 307 N Monroe St, Butler, PA 16001-4531.  When receipts exceed expenses we also give money to candidates in races where we think we can make a difference.  Please share this information with your circle of influence so we can realize the dream of the previously mentioned heroes.  We may have the opportunity to determine what Pennsylvania’s legacy will be when the power to protect unborn lives is returned to the states.

                                                                                                Jim Ludwig and the LifePAC Board